Wednesday 24 June 2015

Kristinne's New Challenge

 Whilst I was busy following links and reading the blogs to the wonderful artwork entered this week I came across an invitation to participate in a new challenge, Kristinne is hosting it on her blog Love to Tangle, Need to Zen. That is fantastic, at the moment I have a spare day in my Zentangle® Challenge Schedule.

For this week's challenge we have to chose between 3 & 5 tangle patterns beginning with A. I chose Antidots, Ahh, Anglefish, Aquafleur and Axlexa. It all came out looking like a under the sea theme, even the Axlexa reminded me of Amoeba floating about.

Also today I have finished the tile for Diane Clancy's Weekly Challenge.. I chose Joy, Oakly, Onsmato, W2 and Warped Eggs. I wasn't too happy with the Warped Eggs, I think I should have done a larger format of it in order to appreciate the shaping in the design.

P.S. Blogger has mended the blog list now for those of you who were having the same problem as me a few days ago.


  1. Your tiles are amazing! I envy you for such a great Aquafleur :). For me it is very difficult to make that tangle. I do not know why :)
    And thank you for spreading the word about the Challenge I am trying to host. I am amazed what a united and welcoming community the Zentangel community is! Thank you very, very much!

  2. I like your first tile so much! Great Aquafleur and a good combination of patterns and black and white areas :-)
    The second tile is nice too - lovely W2!

  3. Thank you for telling about the new challenge - not sure I can add one but it sounds like fun!! I love all your As together!! Your JWO is very cool!! Your Onsomata are so lovely!! Sometimes I too wish I had used a larger format :) Thank you for joining in!!

    ~ Diane Clancy

    ps - feel free to copy our logo for the challenge - I can email it to you if that is easier :) Thank you for listing us :)

    But then you are also listing my whole blog? Either way :) :)

  4. Such beautiful tiles!!

    Thanks for joining our challenge!
