Thursday 2 July 2015

Any Tips for Photographing Finished Tiles?

Does anyone have any tips for photographing tiles to put up on your blogs? I can't get my camera to see the white paper, it just comes out gray. (When I say camera, I mostly use my iPhone to take the photos, but the proper camera has the same problem).  I started putting them on the fuschia background so the camera had something to compare it to, however if I crop it right down it looks gray again so I currently leave a little of the fuschia behind it. I would prefer to post only the tile.

The other thing is scale. Not quite so troublesome unless you want to post a Bijou tile. So far I have left a ruler alongside the Bijou tile, but that looks ugly.

What do you folks do? Any help will be gratefully received.

This is my entry for Diane's and Carolien's Weekly Challenge YHA. I used Y-Full Power, Hurry, Hurrah and Arnia.


  1. Oh, I hope someone answers your question, cause I'd like to know. Suggestions -- play around with lighting options and other settings. Like whether or not to use flash. My camera lets me choose whether it's a distant shot, text, daytime or evening, etc. Try them all and see what turns out best. Maybe you could actually focus more lights on the piece. Make sure it's set up for b/w and not gray-scale??? Also, I remember the angle changes the dimensions, but your dimensions look OK.

    I really like the choice of patterns here.

    1. "Make sure it is set up for black and white" Doh! Why didn't I think of that! I have a camera that I am able to do that with and would use it the setting solves the problem however I normally use my iPhone to take the photos. I should have said that.

  2. This is a lovely Y-H-A!!! Those are great questions about photographing!! I use a scanner at the end - so put it in the computer and then I play with things if it does look gray. I am sometimes jealous of those with a phone camera who can take steps in their creations ... but then there are so many issues that you raise. Do you use an editing program at all? "levels" or maybe "white balance" can make a difference. Thank you for joining in!!

    ~ Diane Clancy

    1. Thank you for your advice, Oooo yes, there is an editing program on the mobile now you mention it and it looks like there is a white balance thingy in there. That could help solve the problem too :-)

  3. First of all, I like your tile a lot.
    I always use my scanner for the 'photo's' on my blog. The only thing about that, that I don't like is that scanning always make the colors lighter then they are in real life.

  4. I use a scanner for my tiles not a camera, so I can't help you, sorry...
    I like your tile! Nice composition and good shading :-)

  5. I use Photoshop to get rid of the gray. If you don't want to spend money on Photoshop there are some free programs out there that are pretty good. GIMP is an open source program that does virtually everything Photoshop does but it is free.
