Sunday 4 October 2015

Keenies, and Kelp

I have some absolute favourite tangle patterns beginning with K, but as this challenge is called That's New To Me Knase and Keeko were two of them that had to be used as extras. For the main New To Me tangles I used Keenees and Kelp, both of which had escaped my notice previously. I think I will certainly be using Keenees again.


  1. Nice tile! I like your "puffy" Keeko. Thanks for being part of the TNTM challenge this week!

  2. YT, this is truly lovely!! The blues are so delicate and give a lot of movement ... you might want to read the response to my comment that you made - thank you again!! This is lovely!! :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

  3. I like the balance here. It sort of reminds me of a garden, with rain coming down and lots of little plants reaching upward. A wall, some pebbles. Real pretty
